School Office

Session Times
  • The school day begins at 8.55am. The doors open at 8.45am so the children are able to go to their classrooms to prepare for the day. The gates are locked shortly after 9.00 am and opened again at 3.05 pm in line with our security policy. School ends at 3.15pm. Lunch time is 12.05 to 1.00 pm. This equates to 31 hours 40 minutes of school hours per week.

Absences from school
  • The school must be informed in writing if children are to be absent for any reason; in the case of illness the office must be telephoned on the first day of absence and any subsequent day on (01926) 492991.
  • Useful Information Is my child too ill for school

Leave of absence during term-time
  • In September 2013 the government introduced some significant changes to attendance regulations. The amendments set out in Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 govern all requests for leave within term time. Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. it is also the headteacher's responsibility to determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted.

  • If you need to seek an absence during term time you will have to complete a  Leave of Absence Form available from the school office or see the link below; you will need to outline the exceptional circumstances that require the leave of absence and supportive evidence may be needed.

  • This should be done at least six weeks before the suggested leave of absence. Each application will be assessed on an individual basis by the headteacher and chair of governors and they must be satisfied that the circumstances warrant the gratnting of leave. All applications will be considered in the light of a child's attendance. Even in exceptional circumstances the request may not be considered if your child's attendance is below 95%.

School Meals
  • A hot meal and a drink is available at a cost of £2.65 a day, £13.25 for the week. Meals should be paid for in advance for the whole week or regular days on a Monday morning. You can also purchase school meals on a half termly or termly basis. We encourage school meals to be paid for online by logging on to but should you still need to make the payment by cash please send the correct money in an envelope clearly marked “lunch money” and with your child’s name and class. You can see the current school menu below.
  • If you think your child is entitled to free school meals look online at Free School Meals  or call the Customer Service Centre on 01926 359189. If you are registered for free school meals please let the office now, even if you do not wish to take them, as the school receives much needed funding according to the number of children registered.
  • Tuck Shop is operated by County Caterers is available for morning break. Items available are toast, crumpet and toasted teacake. This is available for a weekly cost of £1.50 and is ordered online for the following week.

Scallywags Kids Club
  • The club offers excellent childcare for children aged 4 – 11. Breakfast Club 7.30 – 9.00am including breakfast. After school Club 3.00 – 5.45pm including snack. For more information call Jo and Pam 07834 241414. Click here for the Scallywags Activity Club website.

School Closure
  • Should the school need to be closed due to inclement weather or an emergency you will be alerted by text and/or email. Please make sure the office has your up-to-date mobile phone number and email address. You can also sign up to receive text and email alerts if the school has to close due to bad weather at In addition announcements will be made on local radio stations.

School Uniform

The Governor’s request that all pupils wear school uniform.  Please ensure that all items of clothing and footwear are clearly marked with your child’s name.

Winter uniform:

                    Grey trousers (traditionally cut, not fashion trousers)

                    Grey skirt (of appropriate length)

                   White polo shirt or school shirt

                   Grey socks

                   Grey tights

                   Maroon school sweatshirt

                   A warm, waterproof coat

 Sensible black shoes with heels no higher than 3cm are required for day to day wear.  Training shoes will only be worn for outdoor games lessons.  Plimsolls or bare feet are required for indoor P.E. or Dance lessons.

Summer Uniform:

 Long / short grey trousers (traditionally cut, not fashion trousers)

Pink, maroon or dark red summer dress worn with White socks

                    White polo shirt

                   Grey socks

                   Black leather shoes or sandals

 School uniform is available to purchase through Gooddies school wear online at

Creative Embroiders at ~ Tel: 07498 575 088


To ensure uniform is affordable for all, branded items are kept to a minimum just comprising of a school jumper or cardigan. All other items can be easily purchased at chain stores or supermarkets.

We have a selection of second hand uniform available for a small donation. Please either contact the school office or call in and see what is currently available.